Shortcuts were created in Fast Notes to save time by reducing typing and dictation. Specifically, a shortcut is either a word or sentence that is saved for repeat use in the Shortcut database.  Once saved, Shortcuts appear on all devices. Let’s see how it works...

Shortcuts are simple to add in Exam and Procedure forms. 

  1. Tap the pencil icon.

  2. Shortcuts appear in alphabetical order.

  3. Tap the shortcut(s) to add into the text box. 

To add the shortcuts to your notes, tap the shortcuts you want to insert and they will appear in the order they were tapped!


Findings textbox shortcuts

  • "Visualized the inferior alveolar nerve to be intact."
  • "Gingival augmentation may be required at the time of uncovering due to the lack of attachment in the region."
  • "Noted excessive bleeding and inserted Gelfoam to assist in clotting."

Additional Notes textbox shortcuts

  • "Thank you for a great summer!"
  • "Patient was instructed to return for follow-up if symptoms persist
  • "Provided gauze and instructed on use."